Last year, actor Prithviraj officially announced that he would no longer be associated with August Cinemas, a popular production venture which had ace cinematographer Santosh Sivan, actor Arya, and entrepreneur Shaji Nadesan as partners. While announcing the same, the actor quoted that “THE END IS ALWAYS A BEGINNING”.
Since then, there have been speculations doing the rounds that the actor is planning to start a production venture of his own. Much to the surprise of audiences, the actor has now made a BIG announcement.
On Friday, the Mozhi actor took to his Facebook handle to announce that he is joining hands with his wife Supriya to start a new production venture.
“Today, Supriya and I proudly present, Prithviraj Productions,” read Prithviraj’s official statement.
The above url contains a press kit for all my friends in the media that also has a malayalam version of the statement and high resolution images of the company logo. As always, we expect your whole hearted support!
Supriya & Prithviraj,” wrote the actor.
The state-award winner, who is best known for his works in Malayalam has delivered several hits in Tamil and Hindi as well. In Tamil, Prithviraj made his debut playing a baddie in Kana Kandaen which had Srikanth and Gopika in lead roles.
In Tamil, he is best known for Mozhi, Parijatham, Satham Podathey, Ravanan and Kaviya Thalaivan. In Malayalam, he has a handful of projects and is also gearing up to make his directorial debut titled Lucifer, starring Mohanlal in the lead role.
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