Speculations regarding actor Suja Varunee’s engagement have been doing the rounds for quite some time now. It was rumoured that the actress got engaged to legendary actor Shivaji Ganesan’s grandson Shivaji Dev aka Shiva Kumar, after the duo was spotted at Tirupati Tirumala Temple recently.
While Suja Varunee denied the engagement rumours, actor Shivaji Dev clarified about the same. The actor took to his social media page to confirm their relationship.
“To all @sujavarunee fans and my media friends, it’s my responsibility to clarify few things to see that none of your rumors hurt or affect other people’s lives. I have been in relationship with this gem of a person for more than 11years now..My Birth name is “ShivaKumar”, tweeted Shivaji Dev.
He further clarified that he is the “athaan” Suja spoke about in the reality show, which she was part of. “as my mother passed away 2 years back I changed my screen name from Shivaji Dev to “shiva kumar” my birth name with her blessings, and I will continue my journey onscreen with this name!”, Tweeted Shivaji Dev along with this picture.
Requesting fans to stop spreading rumours, Shiva added that he will officially announce their marriage soon.
“So kindly my dear sweethearts never confuse or write something you don’t know which may affect people surrounding me and her.Soon I will let you all know an officialnews regarding our marriage!Until then we ask u to please maintain the respect on this issue.Thank u , god bless!” concluded Shiva, who is known for his roles in Singakutty, Pudhumugangal Thevai and Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum.
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