Actor Karthi’s Kadaikutty Singam hit screens a few days ago and has seen a roaring success at the box office. Boasting of an impressive and elaborate star cast, the movie won the audience with its simple story and emotional connection.
Director Pandiraj and brothers Karthi and Suriya have been receiving rave reviews from all over for choosing a rural subject and giving it the importance it deserves.
Now, actor Karthi has posted a heartfelt message on Twitter thanking the audience for the success of the movie.
Check out his tweet here-
கடைக்குட்டி சிங்கத்தை மனதார ஏற்றுக்கொண்ட அனைத்து குடும்பங்களுக்கும் நன்றி! #KadaikuttySingam @Suriya_offl @pandiraj_dir @2D_ENTPVTLTD
— Actor Karthi (@Karthi_Offl) July 16, 2018
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